Sunday, June 12, 2005


I'll keep this short. Basically today...went to cubs game (curtesy of chris), vin's graduation, and rt/mansi's.

SO, to sum up the day....great. It was really good, but at rt/mansi's thing, hardrive was being racist. Well, i don't know if it was racism but it was at the least making them wait along time. But it was a blessing in a way. I saw jaymee/ravi thakker/ jignesh. That was random. I totally appreciated seeing them. I also got jaymee's number so if i do visit st. louis hopefully meet up with her too.

I feel bad tonight too. It was a good night, but i know its probably going to be the last time i see sam (in a very long time), rt and their crew too. Kind of sucks. What sucked too, i kind of bailed on a good friend. I couldn't be wing man. I just couldn't. I don't know what it is....fear? I have no idea, but i do know i don't want to do the lies that entail "wing man". I just can't. I know i'll have to get some more probing, but oh well. I feel really horrible that i bailed on him. I couldn't do it.

GOSH, we're getting older...and i don't want to. I enjoyed early twenties...and even mid twenties...but people are moving on. I have a feeling that i'm going to wake up one day....see who wants to go to the bars/something and no one will be able to...cuz they're busy with their kids. Well, if they ever ask me anything...i'll tell them i'm busy with my bike : )

SO to sum things could have been half empty or half full....but i'll look at it as a full glass : )

AND, i have a new favorite quote...."i've discovered a new four letter word....its called hope"
i'm not sure if i thought of that, or heard it. Alcohol has a funny way of confusing one-self

OH, and i really don't like rap. The words are so amazingly crazy. Certain songs will try to make you tough, while others....would get a sexual harrasment charge against you at a work place, BUT girls dig it! it is sooooo sexist, yet they dig it! i can't figure it out. oh well.

OH, i think i may be on to something.....I think that everyone acts exactly as they should. If you think about it....if someone had the very same genetic and environmental input, then you would think they would react exactly as they should. Therefore everyone does exactly what anyone else would....IF they had the same input (genetic/experience). Possibly...but i'll leave it to the philosphy majors out there

RD : )


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